Waiting to enter class I caught this conversation.
PDB: “yeah well most will drop out and have to work at McDonalds”
Friend of PDB: “Yeah”
PDB: (in condescending tone) “and the other half came from Other Degree so they wont last”
I spent all last year in Other Degree, I quite like Other Degree. In Other Degree people are nice, people made an effort to be nice to others. You Sir. Are a Douche Bag. PDB and I are ‘assisting the court’ in some weeks together – I will make you cry…
Yes, Yes you will be assisting the court….
In the class with PDB we had ‘call over’s’ this is where you approach the moot courts’ bench and state “Good morning you Honour, my name is Obiter Ovum and I will be representing Silly Moron the defendant in this matter” as I can be a little obsessive compulsive for my call over I had the week, case, name and speech all on an index card. As a part of the tutes we have also got to prepare back up for three weeks after the defence and prosecution talk other people then stand up and say ‘Good morning your Honour my name is Ima Compulsive Tabber and I will we working to assist the court in this matter.
I thought I had mine all worked out. As the ‘judge’ (actually the unit co-ordinator so this roll play is her pet, as such deviation form this protocol as happened in other tutes was not likely) looked at me while repeating “any body else for that week” I thought as I was so organised it was some other disorganised sucker that forgot their week. Not so much. As I finally clicked on to what was going on it was too late, I had been labelled the slow one. The ‘judge’ made some remark to the effect of ‘yes, yes you most certainly will be assisting the court” that made everyone burst out in laughter – PDB will never suspect the slow one...
I saw this one a friends Facebook and loved it.
- Obiter
Landlord’s Checklist – Essential Considerations Before Requesting End of
Tenancy Cleaning
A vital part of looking after rental properties, end of tenancy cleaning
ensures also they are kept neat and tidy for the new tenants. However,
before ki...
7 months ago